3 Principles For Ending an Anxious Cycle

Struggling with anxiety can feel like you’re caught in an endless cycle that is hard to break. The anxious thoughts come. You feel the signs and symptoms slowly creep in and take control of you. Over time, the anxiety fades.

Even though the signs and symptoms fade over time, you know that it won’t be long until you’re struggling with those same thoughts, feelings, and emotions all over again.

You don’t have to feel stuck in an endless cycle of anxiety. It’s time to break free from the hold that anxiety has on you. Here are three principles for ending an anxious cycle.

women drinking coffee with anxiety

1. Self-Compassion & Awareness

Anxiety is exacerbated by self-criticism and unrealistic expectations of yourself. Rather than fearing anxiety and berating yourself when you struggle, begin practicing self-compassion. Remind yourself that many people experience anxiety and that you are not alone. Offer yourself the same kindness you would give a friend in a similar situation. Remember that you possess the strength and resilience to cope with challenges and that your anxiety does not define your worth. 

You can also bring yourself into gentle awareness of what triggers your anxiety. Learning about the source of your anxiety is a powerful tool to help end an anxious cycle. Keep a journal to help you track what places, situations, and people provoke feelings of anxiety. This insight can help you develop coping mechanisms for facing similar circumstances in the future.   

2. Practice Mindfulness

A lot of anxiety stems from worrying about past events or future events that have yet to occur. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to bring your body and brain back to the present moment. Anxiety often thrives on negative thought patterns that perpetuate fear. Mindfulness helps you observe your thoughts without judgment and recognize when you’re caught in an anxious cycle.

An effective mindfulness practice is grounding yourself in the present moment. Grounding techniques include:

  • 5-4-3-2-1 technique

  • Body scan

  • Dance

  • Deep breathing

  • Go for a walk outside

  • Listen to music

  • Meditation

  • Mindful eating

  • Repeat a mantra

  • Stretch

  • Yoga

3. Reframing Anxious Thoughts

Being stuck in a loop of never ending anxiety can make you feel like you’re constantly stuck in the worst of situations. Anxiety makes it easy for someone to fixate on the worst-case scenarios and what can go wrong instead of what could go right. Next time you’re feeling anxious, try to advocate for both sides. Try to think of the why and reasoning for feeling a certain way. While it’s important to think of the worst-case scenario, it’s also essential to consider the best-case scenario. The truth is the worst rarely comes to pass.

When you can’t see past your fears, find a trusted advisor to help you reframe your thoughts. A friend, family member, or mentor can offer an outside perspective. Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of therapy. A therapist can give you the emotional support and guidance you need to sift your anxious thoughts and help you end your cycle of anxiety.

Next Steps

Anxiety is a universally felt human emotion. However, when anxiety is impacting you for longer than two weeks at a time, it’s a sign that there may be a larger issue. Struggling with anxiety can feel like a vicious cycle. While it can seem almost impossible to break the cycle, especially for good, it is possible to free yourself from the grip that anxiety has on you.

If you need extra help and support during this time, we’re here for you. We’re ready to work with you to stop those anxious thoughts in their tracks. Reach out to us today to learn more about what we can do to help better manage and overcome your anxiety.



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