Online Trauma Therapy in Florida & South Carolina

Are You Afraid To Face Your Trauma?


Are painful memories from childhood keeping you from feeling like you’re thriving in life? Have certain memories or sensations resurfaced, causing anxiety, nightmares, or a sense of overwhelm? Is your relationship or work life suffering because you can no longer avoid your past?


We’re More Likely To Experience Trauma Than Not


Trauma is more common than we think. It is an elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, but whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, trauma still hinders our ability to live life fully.

In actuality, most of us—70 percent—will experience at least one traumatic event in our lifetime.¹

Part of the reason why trauma is so rampant is that society doesn’t give us the support needed to prevent some of these things from happening. Nor does our society offer the right support to overcome trauma when we do experience it.

online therapy services for clients in florida & south carolina

Take, for example, the seemingly taboo discussion of trauma caused by sexual assault and abuse.

Since 1998, 17.7 million American women and 2.78 American men have been victims of completed rape.² And almost 35 million children are victims of at least one form of childhood trauma.³

Yet, these numbers are probably higher, due to the fear we have about sharing and seeking treatment.

online therapy services for clients in florida & south carolina

Moreover, society contributed to this issue due to the highly sexualized culture that devalues our bodies and autonomy, and its overall lack of support for victims. And even if we should open up about our trauma, how many of us will be believed?

How many issues are swept under the rug never to be discussed again? And how often are we blamed for our experiences?

Such lack of support prevents us from truly being able to overcome our trauma. Victims may be vilified, and as a result, we hide our pain rather than share it–further silencing ourselves.


Healing begins when you find your voice.


And trauma therapy can not only help restore that voice, but it can also help you become more empowered and take back control of your life. Trauma therapy offers a new foundation to thrive despite the current cultural narrative.


 Benefits of Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy can give you the skills to:












Trauma Therapy Can Heal Your Pain So You Can Function Freely And Fully In Society


Lingering trauma can cause you to make decisions from a place of fear rather than a sense of security or self-compassion. Trauma therapy helps you take your honest, lived experience and incorporate this with your strengths and weaknesses so you may create a new and renewed life for yourself. As a result, you will learn to make more decisions without fear as a motivating factor. You can feel free and alive again and rediscover the self-love that trauma has hindered.

My empathetic approach to counseling has helped many clients overcome their traumas that have included natural disasters, fires, first-responder stress, PTSD, sexual abuse and assault, rape, childhood sexual abuse, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and emotional abuse, to name just a few. And at JoyFeel Therapy, you will find a warm, compassionate, and transparent environment where you can release your pain and rise from the ashes. Treatment starts with a brief intake process where I ask you to fill out forms in a secure client portal before our first meeting. We will hit the ground running in the first session as we review any questions about forms, your story, and specific goals for trauma therapy.

online therapy services for clients in florida & south carolina
online therapy services for clients in florida & south carolina

As sessions progress, we’ll explore your backstory and specific traumatic experiences that may be the root cause of your struggles. We’ll also work to identify how these experiences have impacted your present life. With this knowledge, we can craft solutions that can help you heal.

To gently speed the healing process, we may introduce Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), which can help individuals who experienced sexual, physical, or mental abuse or violence in the home. TF-CBT allows clients to identify negative thoughts and behaviors and replace them with more positive ones, so that you can deal more constructively with problems you face. Furthermore, TF-CBT integrates a family-focused approach that identifies new ways of communicating and managing stress with non-offending family members.


Contrary to what it might feel like now, it is possible to overcome your trauma and build a life that makes you happy. Trauma therapy provides support, compassion, and guidance in the midst of your struggles and pain.

I am very passionate about this work and for more than 15 years, I’ve had the honor of helping my clients overcome traumatic experiences and find their way toward self-actualization. I am confident that trauma therapy can help you achieve the same.


FAQs About Trauma Therapy

  • Trusting another person with your story can make anyone feel vulnerable, and it’s normal to wonder if your faith and action will be rewarded. While I can’t guarantee anything, I can say that my clients have had positive results from therapy and have been able to work through their experiences and lead productive lives in the world.

    Your experiences have shaped you, but they don’t define you. And trauma therapy can help you redraw the lines of who you truly are so you can live the purposeful life you deserve.

  • This is a raw and honest fear–I applaud you. When you’ve experienced something that has changed how you move through the world, you will naturally feel damaged. Yet I still see my clients as whole people whose trauma has thrown a wrench into their experience. Therapy allows them to process their trauma to reach a healthier mental and emotional space. If anything, you may feel damaged, but you are not; you are simply a human being who can’t function your best right now, but is in the process of getting better.

  • Some of the skills I can introduce even before our first meeting are meant to help you safely reintegrate yourself back into the world around you. This can include something simple like going out for a walk or meditation to reconnect with your present self. We may also introduce breathing techniques to quiet your fears.

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Trauma therapy can give you the support you need to heal, particularly in a world that won’t always validate your pain. If you’re ready to take the next step toward a better tomorrow, I invite you to set up a free 15-minute consultation to see how we can help you get back on your feet.