What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

Some people are more sensitive than others. We know that. We all grow up in the same world that tells us that being sensitive is a bad thing. Being sensitive won’t allow us to grow to our full potential. We’ll let ourselves be trampled by the people around us who aren’t as sensitive as us. It’s better if we start toughening up as soon as possible.

The problem with that is not all of us can do that.

Some of us are more sensitive than others. Some of us are Highly Sensitive People (HSP). A lot of us are. In fact, HSPs are estimated to make up 20% of the population. That’s a lot of people. And for people like us, it’s not easy to stop being sensitive. And that’s perfectly okay. There’s nothing wrong with being a highly sensitive person.

girl looking afar, facing to the side

But what is that, exactly?

Can’t Stand Violence

Some of us can’t handle violence. It hurts us too much to witness it. It’s too intense and too painful. And it’s not just in person; we can’t see it on screens either. All those action movies and TV shows? No, thank you.

Our sensitivity doesn’t vanish just because we know it’s fake. After all, films ask us to empathize with their characters, and that’s what we do. We empathize with them, and if we see any violence happening on-screen, we feel that too. So, we stick to less violent genres that we can enjoy without actively causing distress for ourselves.

colorful leaves

Find Beauty Everywhere

As HSPs, we find it easy to see beauty everywhere we go. Nature is gorgeous. The smallest tree has some beauty to offer. The smallest flower can impress us. Even a simple seed is beautiful because we know what it can grow into.

And it’s the same with art. We find beauty everywhere we go, and we’re moved by it. The entire world is a work of art, and we’re just here to admire it.


Highly Empathetic

A big reason we can’t stand any form of violence and are so moved by beauty is that we’re highly empathetic, more so than most people. It’s easy for us to pick up on what other people are feeling, and it’s just as easy to feel the way they do.

Sometimes, we might even experience those emotions more strongly. That’s another reason why we’re called highly sensitive. Every emotion we experience is extremely intense. But this can have its downsides. Constantly being aware of everyone’s feelings eventually becomes exhausting. And in combination with our other sensitive senses, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

Sensitive Senses

Our empathy isn’t the only part of us that’s sensitive. We are, after all, highly sensitive. That applies to our surroundings too. Some of us might not like loud noises at all; they hurt our ears and scare us. Others dislike big crowds. Others can’t stand bright lights. And others can’t wear uncomfortable clothing. Or, in some cases, it’s many of the above. That’s how sensitive our senses are.

man taking picture in nature

Need Regular Breaks

For people like us, getting regular breaks is not a luxury; it’s a need. When everything we experience is incredibly intense and overwhelming, regular breaks in a dark, quiet room are lifesavers. They’re what keep us going during busy weeks and important commitments. We need to be able to decompress.

girl looking into the sunlight

Living as a Highly Sensitive Person

It’s not easy to live as an HSP. We’re always berated for being too sensitive and told we wouldn’t get anywhere with this attitude. But it’s not just an attitude. It’s who we are.

We can thrive too. We just need to learn the right tools to navigate this world, and counseling can help us with that.


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