Does PTSD Have a Lifespan? Here’s What You Need to Know

When you are experiencing trauma, does it feel like it is taking too long for you to heal? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is when trauma has a heavy effect on your body and your mind. Your body puts itself in “fight-or-flight mode” whenever you think that danger is just around the corner. Many people with PTSD experience nightmares or fight off any triggers that bring back painful memories.

Because of how tragic and overwhelming the symptoms of PTSD are, there may be times you ask yourself, “When will I get over this? When will it go away?” The truth is that the answer is different for each person. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms can last more than a year with some people recovering in six months. Others may have symptoms for much longer with PTSD becoming chronic. It will depend on the extent of the trauma, how many traumatic events have occurred, and more. The odds of getting through your PTSD will always be greater when seeking treatment.

Here is what you need to know about how long PTSD can last and what factors lead to its lifespan.

Factors of PTSD Lifespan

Multiple factors come into play of how long your PTSD symptoms will last. It will depend on if your trauma comes from one traumatic experience or multiple throughout your life. Multiple traumas can make PTSD last longer if you are going through repeated abuse or an occupation that causes you to witness tragedies. It can also depend if your trauma was responsible by humans or by other forces like a natural disaster.

Other factors may include if you have other mental illnesses. Having mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, bipolar, or others before the trauma could actually exasperate symptoms more. It can also depend if you are surrounded by people who will support you in getting better. They will take the time to listen to you about anything going on in your head. Treating your mental health symptoms, using coping techniques, and having a supportive social circle will prevent PTSD from staying a monster.

The Parts of PTSD That Stay

It is absolutely possible to completely overcome PTSD. However, there are some symptoms that may still stay with you for some time. Positive feelings, trust, and a sense of closeness have been gone for a long time. It can change the way you see the world in that you are not living in a fairy tale. You are now aware that bad things are capable of happening to anyone.

The traumatic memories of the trauma you endured may always stay with you. Being hurt or witnessing death is not something that can leave your mind overnight. These memories have had a big impact on your life, even years later after the tragedy. These memories may appear in your sleep from time to time or can be triggered by a sound or smell. With therapy, those memories will not have power over you and your decisions.

Therapy’s Impact of PTSD Lifespan

There is no reason why you should have to battle PTSD by yourself. You and your therapist can work together to make sure your PTSD does not interfere with your life.

Your therapist will give you a range of healthy coping techniques for the symptoms of PTSD not to last so long. Your intense memories will become easier to handle with a less extreme impact. Instead of using anger, drugs, alcohol, or other reckless behaviors to mask your feelings, you will learn how to replace them with healthier coping strategies. If therapy is helping you live your life to the fullest, continue with it for as long as you need.

No matter what kind of trauma you have experienced, speaking to a mental health professional is crucial if you want control of your life back.



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