What to Expect from Online EMDR Therapy

If you struggle with trauma, you’ve likely heard of EMDR before. You might even have done in-person EMDR therapy before. But for whatever reason, you’re more interested in online EMDR therapy now. Maybe it’s because you are uncomfortable driving to the nearest EDMR practitioner for help. Online therapy is far more convenient, especially for a busy schedule.

But while online and in-person EMDR therapy are similar, there are a few differences that may catch you off-guard if you’re not used to how online therapy works. Maybe you’ve never actually done any type of EMDR before, and though you know it’s aimed mostly at people dealing with trauma, you might not know exactly what this means for you. Knowing what to expect can help ease any concerns you might have.


Phone Consultation

The first session is going to be different from the others. After all, it’s meant to introduce you to your counselor and allows your counselor to get to know you. You’ll share the reason why you’re looking into EMDR and share a little of your mental health history. If it turns out EMDR is indeed a good fit for you, then you can proceed with the rest.

The rest is fairly simple. Your counselor will prepare you for future EMDR sessions. They’ll explain the process and make sure you understand what will happen. They’ll introduce you to some tools to help you manage any anxiety or discomfort your trauma might bring up. Whatever happens in future sessions, your counselor will prepare you for that. You won’t be going into it blind.


Of course, for any type of therapy to work, you need to build rapport with your counselor. This isn’t something that depends solely on you. Your counselor must ensure you trust them; otherwise, it won’t work. It’s a very vulnerable process, and your counselor needs to make sure you are comfortable.

But you need to put in some work, too. You need to be willing to open up at least a little. This isn’t like usual talking therapy, where you discuss everything in great detail, but you need to be honest about certain things, especially your traumas. If you’re not ready to be open about them yet, then maybe you should table the idea of EMDR for later. You’ll be ready eventually, after all, but pushing yourself may do more harm.


Bilateral Stimulation

Bilateral stimulation is the main principle of EMDR. Basically, by stimulating the brain, alternating from right to left, you’ll be helping your brain process your traumatic memories properly. The reason why these memories feel so real and harmful is because you haven’t processed them yet. Your brain doesn’t realize those events are over. And that’s what EMDR does, thanks to bilateral stimulation. It helps you truly put your past behind you.

This is a little simpler in person, but it’s possible to carry out online, too. It can be done with visual cues, sometimes through a website, or with some lights. If you’re uncomfortable with visual cues, you can try auditory cues through headphones. Many options are available, and your counselor will run you through all of them until you find something you’re comfortable with. Only then can you truly begin the process.

White bird flying away up in the sky


EMDR works. Whether done online or in person, EMDR can help you work through the trauma weighing you down. Though the practice is relatively new, it’s incredibly efficient. It works. And if you’re dealing with a lot of trauma you can’t let go of no matter how hard you try, then maybe EMDR is what you need. But you’ll only know that if you give it a chance.


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